5 ways to improve the "stone lifter" or erection

Stress, overwork, sedentary work, nicotine and alcohol - all these have a negative effect on potency and sexual desire. Therefore, already at the age of 30, many men begin to think about how to improve erection quickly, effectively and safely. Proper nutrition, gymnastics, drugs and alternative medicine can overcome the problem.

male and female enhancing potency

Products that improve erection

Sometimes it is enough to revise the diet in order for the penis to stop, the erection to be long and the sex to be unforgettable. Many products can increase potency in men and men, avoid the development of erectile dysfunction, but you should use them regularly.

In a man's diet, there should be more foods containing zinc, magnesium, selenium, potassium, calcium and iron, vitamins A, B, E to prevent impotence. These substances are necessary for the production and normal functioning of testosterone. it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system and has a beneficial effect on sperm quality, relieves stress symptoms.

What can you eat to increase potency - a list of the best foods:

  1. Cocoa, dark chocolate - these products quickly reduce systolic pressure indicators, which has a beneficial effect on the strength and duration of erection. The composition also contains flavonols - antioxidants that improve vascular tone several times.
  2. Garlic is a vegetable with a strong smell and taste, it helps to increase the level of testosterone, accelerates blood circulation and lowers blood pressure.
  3. Natural pomegranate juice - improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, promotes the synthesis of testosterone, cleanses the body of free radicals, its action is similar to Viagra. When drinking the juice, it should be washed down with water to prevent the development of ulcerative processes in the stomach.
  4. Spinach is the best remedy for a strong and maximum erection, it is considered a natural steroid, it contains almost all the vitamins and minerals necessary for men's health.
  5. Raw walnut - contains arginine, improves the condition of blood vessels, strengthens the penis.
  6. Oysters are a strong aphrodisiac, they contain amino acids, trace elements that improve the quality and quantity of sperm, and increase sexual desire. But it is often impossible to use them - it is fraught with the accumulation of mercury in the body, the development of gastroenteritis.
  7. Lean meats - this product is necessary for the synthesis of thyroxine hormone, which is responsible for libido.
  8. Nutmeg is an interesting spice that can be added to ready meals dissolved in water. Daily dose - 1/3 tsp.
nutmeg for potency

All products can be consumed fresh, boiled, baked, steamed, baked, you need to eat regularly and fractionally, the portions should not be large. The last meal is 2 hours before bedtime.

What foods have a negative effect on potency

In addition to making a diet of healthy foods, it is necessary to exclude all unnecessary foods from the menu.

List of prohibited products:

  • fast food, canned food, chips;
  • pasta - you can use only durum wheat products in small quantities;
  • a large amount of potatoes - only cooked tubers are useful for the male body;
  • sausage, sausage, fat;
  • you can eat brown or unpolished rice several times a week, other types have a bad effect on male strength;
  • alcoholic, carbonated drinks;
  • soy products - contain female sex hormones;
  • bakery products from yeast dough.
junk food for potency

Coffee remains the most controversial product. Caffeine strengthens the work of the heart, promotes vasodilation, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs, and fills with energy. However, with the abuse of strong tea and coffee, a sudden drop in pressure occurs, the penis quickly becomes lethargic. Therefore, only moderate consumption of these drinks helps to strengthen the erection.

Regular use of ginger tea, pumpkin juice with celery, cumin will help to increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

Medicines to improve erectile function

The fastest way to restore bones and prolong sexual intercourse is to drink an erection-enhancing drug. However, it is impossible to abuse drugs, because they are addictive, have certain contraindications and side effects.


If erection problems occur rarely, there are no chronic diseases, you can take stimulants in the form of tablets - they act quickly, the therapeutic effect lasts for several hours.

It is important!

Potential pills should not be taken if there are problems with the heart, blood vessels, liver, ulcers, hypotension. It is not recommended to combine the drug with alcohol and fatty foods.


Topical products are safer than pills, but their effects are shorter, so they should be applied 5 to 15 minutes before sex.

A short, but strong and lasting erection can be obtained after applying ordinary nitroglycerin or heparin ointment to the penis. They expand blood vessels quickly, activate blood circulation, are distinguished by their low price and safety.

Drops and dietary supplements

Preparations in the form of drops differ in their natural composition, cumulative action, and ease of use. You should consult a specialist before use.

Folk remedies to strengthen erection

Among the methods of alternative medicine, there are many effective recipes for increasing potency, which are not difficult to cook at home.

Simple recipes:

  1. Mix 100 ml of honey and chopped walnut, eat 5 g of medicine three times a day, drink green tea.
  2. St. John's wort will help improve potency even in old age - pour 100 g of crushed raw materials with 300 ml of water, leave in a sealed container for half an hour, filter. Drink 30 ml 4 times a day. In the same way, you can prepare an infusion of thyme.
  3. Chop 50 g of propolis, pour 100 ml of vodka, mix, put in a dark place for 2 weeks, filter. Add 35 drops of medicine to warm milk three times a day, drink before meals.
  4. To restore male strength and increase sexual desire, pour 120 g of crushed aspen bark into 600 ml of boiling water, leave for an hour in a sealed container. Drink 100 ml three times a day.
  5. Mix 15 g of finely chopped ginseng root, 350 ml of liquid honey and 30 ml of vodka, leave the mixture for 10 days. Take 0. 5 tsp three times a day. Within 6-8 weeks.
  6. Essential oil of patchouli, sandalwood, juniper, ylang-ylang has a good stimulating and exciting effect. They can be applied drop by drop on the wrist in addition to the bath.

To prevent potency problems and improve sperm quality, eat 20-30 g of raw pumpkin seeds every day.

walnut with honey for potency

Exercises for the "stone lifter".

In order to maintain male strength for a long time, it is necessary to practice erection regularly, simple exercises that need to be performed every day will help with this.

Effective exercises:

  1. After waking up in the morning, use the muscles to raise and lower the penis.
  2. Tighten the muscles of the perineum and relax - this exercise can be done anywhere several times a day.
  3. High knee lift - move up while inhaling, return to the starting position while exhaling.
  4. Squats help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which reduces the risk of developing hemorrhoids and impotence. You need to squat with a straight back, do not take your heels off the floor, stretch for a few seconds at the bottom point.
  5. Pelvic rotations should be performed in a semi-squat position, and the gluteal muscles should be tensed as much as possible.
  6. "Maple" - keep straight legs vertical to the floor for at least 1 minute, keep the muscles of the press and hips in tension.
  7. Perform the "bicycle" exercise for 1 minute - you need to keep your legs at a right angle to the floor, hold your hands in a lock behind your head.
  8. Arch - lie on your back, bend your knees, put your heels and palms on the floor. Tear the hips and lower them from the surface, squeeze the gluteal muscles, stretch for 30 seconds at the top point.

You need to start with 10 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increase the number to 25. You can perform them at any pace, special attention should be paid to quality, everything should be performed with maximum amplitude. According to all the rules, noticeable improvements will be within 1-2 weeks.

General recommendations

Every man is able to improve erectile function and prevent the development of impotence, it is only necessary to slightly revise the daily routine, nutrition and lifestyle.

How to maintain a strong erection for a long time:

  1. Weight control - each extra kilogram has a negative effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, which causes erectile dysfunction.
  2. Regularly give the body moderate physical activity - exercise forces the heart to work in an enhanced mode, congestion disappears and vitality increases. The best sports for men are running, swimming, cycling, strength training.
  3. Visit the bathhouse and sauna regularly - under the influence of high temperature, the pores expand, the body is cleansed of toxic and toxic substances.
  4. Take a contrast shower every morning to improve the condition of blood vessels and immunity.
  5. A regular sex life is the key to not having erectile problems.
  6. Get enough sleep, avoid stress, eat right.
  7. Give up bad habits.
take a bath to enhance potency

Walk barefoot more often on grass, sand, small pebbles - there are many energy points on the feet, massage improves potential.

For every man, a good erection is a guarantee of strength and self-confidence, any failure in sex worsens the psycho-emotional situation, which makes the problem worse. In order to always be in shape, it is enough to start eating right, do simple exercises regularly, and in case of emergency, you can resort to medication.